Donations How can you help? We depend on donations and are grateful to the community groups, foundations, Scout troops, schools, churches, and individuals who organize collection drives for new items. Contact us and we can help you get started collecting items to meet our needs. Donate cash and we will do the shopping! Donate online or by check, made payable to Children’s Clothing Center, and mailed to: You can make a “Memorial Gift” in memory of a late loved one. You can also give a gift “In Honor Of” a friend or family member or to mark a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, or holiday. Please contact us to discuss the giving possibilities.
Since 1983, the Children’s Clothing Center has provided basic clothing to meet the needs of Delaware County school children. Grant funding allowed us to purchase an initial inventory of NEW boys and girls underwear, tee shirts, and socks in sizes 4T to XXL. Donations are needed to restock our inventory of new items each school term.
Children’s Clothing Center, P.O. Box 905, Muncie, IN 47308.